The Department of Mechanical Engineering is established in the year 2009, one year after inception of the college. It offers four year full time B.Tech programme with intake of 40 students. The Department also offers Ph.D research programme. The Department has well qualified and experienced staff and equipped with decent laboratories. It has two permanent faculty and six adhoc faculty on roll. The faculty members are in various research areas and are grouped under three specializations, namely Design, Manufacturing and Thermal Engineering. The academic and research activities are supported by 10 laboratories and one workshop. The Mechanical Engineering Department is revising the curriculum in every two years to meet the demands of industrial requirement. The Department is conducting various student co-circular activities such as technical symposiums, seminars, workshops, industry visits and technical tours to enhance the professional skills. The Department has conducted national level workshops and seminars which includes YOGIMECH, a national level technical symposium. Mechanical Engineering Student’s Association (MESA) has started in the year 2010 and they conduct different programs among students every year. The faculty are acquainted with recent advances in Mechanical Engineering by attending different faculty development programmes, workshops and involving in different research activities.